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Autor(i)/Author(s): Ewa Zaraś-Januszkiewicz, Barbara Żarska, Beata Fornal-Pieniak, Edyta Rosłon-Szeryńska

Názov/Title: Tree in Teodor Talowski‘s and Friedensreich Hundertwasser’s organic architecture

Zdrojový dokument/Source: Plants in Urban Areas and Landscape

Typ dokumentu/Document Type: Scientific paper

ISBN: 978-80-552-1262-3


Vydavateľ/Publisher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Rok, strany/PY, pages: 2014, 164-171

Publikované online/Published on-line: 2015-01-26

Jazyk/Language: eng

Abstract: The concept of organic architecture implies the freedom to shape human settlements, without subordination to any arbitrary rules. This paper presents the ways of placing trees, shrubs and creepers in the architectural space in Talowski‘s and Hundertwasser‘s artistic achievements. The conclusions were formulated on the basis of iconographic and literature studies. Polish representative of organic architecture philosophy was Theodore Talowski (1857–1910). He prefered asymmetric in architecture. The wine plant that allowed the young romantic ramble through the facade. His achievement was compared with Friedensreich Hundertwasser‘s creations (1928–2000). He was a propagator of fight for architecture staying in agreement with nature and with nature of human, with his individuality, creativity and non-recurrence as individuals. From Gaudi’s times practically no one did not come into being and did not appear in the cities of admirable colours of fasade of buildings. The most important part in the creating of picture of city belongs to the trees. Hundertwasser created the idea of the tree-tenants, which will renting its own living-space practical in the buildings. Despite the differences in life experences, place where they implemented their projects and epoch, both creators had great recpect for nature, aspecially in places changed by human..

Keywords: Talowski, Hundertwasser, organic architecture, tree, vine plants

Práva/Rights: Act on copyright and rights related to copyright (Copyright Act) as amended (consolidated version), Slovak Republic; Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence
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Toto dielo je publikované pod/This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.