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Author(s): Zuzana Juríčková, Mária Kadlečíková, Jozef Košuda, Silvia Jacková, Davit Babayan

Title: New trends of the management in the agricultural enterprises

Source: International Scientific Days 2016. The Agri-Food Value Chain: Challenges for Natural Resources Management and Society

Document Type: Scientific paper

ISBN: 978-80-552-1503-7


Publisher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

PY, pages: 2016, 470-476

Published on-line: 2016-06-24

Language: eng

Abstract: In the course of the last two decades the agricultural enterprises underwent the reasonable organizational changes, restructuralization of their managerial structures, in radical way have been changed the ownership’s relations, even more, in significant way have been changed the requirements on the manager’s competencies. The importance and the values of priorities have been changed, new organisational and managerial structures had been introduced, and moreover, new modern technologies had been developed. The last one and the other factors, significantly supported the increase of labour productivity both managers and others employees, as well. The objective of the submitted paper is to perform the analysis of the development’s trends in relation to the managers ‘competencies, to identify those factors which according of the farm managers represent the key conditions for business success. The results are stemming up from the pilot research carried out in 18 agricultural enterprises. The EU accession meant for many agricultural enterprises the need to undergo number of rationalization’s measures. From the achieved responses is clear that at least in half of the enterprises, the respective farm is implementing various measures in the field of human resources, in delayering of the managerial levels, slimming their organizational structures, into the investments of the new technologies, or new diversification programs have been introduced. The results confirm that there are meaningful changes in the competency requirements linked to their preparedness for successful management of the respective company. Furthermore, significant changes have been noted in relation to the social responsibility. However, in the farm enterprises is dominating their concern for environment protection. This stems from the European Union Regulation in relation to the environment‘s protection number 1698/2006, by which are settled the rules for development of rural areas. Agricultural enterprises are facing the significant pressure in order to decrease their cost of production, to increase performances and production quality, to the need swiftly react on the changes in external environment and to the introduction of new technologies and modern processing procedures. Furthermore, it is important for these enterprises to know the factors of their business success as well as the legislation, to follow the market tendencies which are linked to the specific forms of the supply/delivery relations, to know with whom to create the strategic alliances, as well as to form the networking with cooperating partners, in permanent way to develop modern managerial approaches and to deal with continuing education.

Keywords: enterprise, change, factor, management, social responsibility success, trend, new trend

JEL Classification: E240, O180

Rights: Open Access :: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence
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