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Author(s): Zoltán Topa

Title: Accessibility as a major determinant of rural regions

Source: International Scientific Days 2016. The Agri-Food Value Chain: Challenges for Natural Resources Management and Society

Document Type: Scientific paper

ISBN: 978-80-552-1503-7


Publisher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

PY, pages: 2016, 548-555

Published on-line: 2016-06-24

Language: eng

Abstract: Accessibility and proximity are two of the most important factors of regional development. Without well-developed transport infrastructure, goods, people and capital cannot flow between the elements of the settlement networks. There have been many studies dealing with the role and importance of motorway networks in regional development. This is an important issue, because government spend large amount of money aiming to improve the situation of both lagging behind and already developed countries. However, there is no clear evidence which would suggest that these financial resources are useful or not (or if so, to what extent?).This paper aims to present some relationship of lagging behind areas in Hungary, being mostly in the countryside, and their proximity of important spaces, such as the capital city (Budapest) and the centres of NUTS 2 regions. The paper concludes with evaluation of the research results, which can shed some light on the relationship of motorway infrastructure and regional development.

Keywords: accessibility, rural areas, transport infrastructure

JEL Classification: O10, O18, R10

Rights: Open Access :: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence
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