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Author(s): Tomáš Pechočiak, Norbert Kecskés

Title: Mathematics and statistics in global education

Source: International Scientific Days 2016. The Agri-Food Value Chain: Challenges for Natural Resources Management and Society

Document Type: Scientific paper

ISBN: 978-80-552-1503-7


Publisher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

PY, pages: 2016, 668-674

Published on-line: 2016-06-24

Language: eng

Abstract: Education, aimed at more thorough understanding of diversity and inequality in the world and at the causes of their existence and possible solutions to problems associated with them, is called global education. This new educational approach is gradually being implemented at all levels of education in order to bring about changes in attitudes towards these phenomena and processes in the global world and encourage solving global problems. Its implementation into courses at universities is necessary since university students are expected to have competencies that allow them to see phenomena and processes in a global environment and actively help them to solve problems in the global world. Since a relatively simple mathematical apparatus can reveal various and complicated social and economic processes, its implementation into subjects of mathematics and statistics is inevitable. The use of mathematical and statistical methods allows not only a detection of the occurrence of certain phenomena in the new global environment, but indirectly calls for particular attention. In the paper we present some problems that could serve as suggestions for the use of mathematics and statistics in training university experts for practice in a global environment.

Keywords: global education, mathematics, statistics

JEL Classification: C020, I23, I210, I240

Rights: Open Access :: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence
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