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Author(s): Jakub Berčík, Johana Paluchová, Elena Horská

Title: Time factor as one of the aspect that influences shopping in the food stores

Source: International Scientific Days 2016. The Agri-Food Value Chain: Challenges for Natural Resources Management and Society

Document Type: Scientific paper

ISBN: 978-80-552-1503-7


Publisher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

PY, pages: 2016, 859-865

Published on-line: 2016-06-24

Language: eng

Abstract: The consumer purchasing behavior is changing every year due to the development of information, communication technologies and due to the influence of micro-moments, i.e., the amount of time in selecting, decision and purchasing of products or services. The buying in the shop accelerated and some customers spend less time in the shop, because before buying in the store, some of them have done detailed research on the Internet. The process of buying decisions, and factors which affecting on consumer preferences, the purchase itself to shopping evaluation of the usefulness of a product or service are a part of theory, which is called “consumer behavior”. The decision about the purchase of goods depends on the number of various cases of individual factors, of consumer´s perception, environmental factors, the environment in which he lives, or on the people with them he meets. To the factors that have a dominant influence on the decision-making process and ultimately on the purchase of goods also belong the situational factors too, such as time spent for buying. Time is a factor that is important, as for the seller, as well as for the customer. The customer satisfaction plays an important role for the seller, which is a defined by living up to his needs and wishes and whose achievement is nowadays becoming more and more challenging. On the one side, he must constantly expand the product range and create conditions for cultural, experiential purchase, which is a form of relaxation and on the other side, he adjusts the location of daily consumption goods, so that their purchase has been possible to realize as soon as possible and also to operate the cash register systems in such a way, that the more hurried customers were discouraged from other purchases. The aim of this paper is through questionnaire survey and time experiments to evaluate the importance of time by selecting of food shops in chosen retail food stores. Based on the results, in conclusion of this paper we suggest the possible solutions that could contribute to greater customer satisfaction and customer loyalty to individual food stores depending on the form of purchase.

Keywords: consumer decision, time factor, food store, shop layout

JEL Classification: M31

Rights: Open Access :: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence
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