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Autor(i)/Author(s): Denisa Halajová, Andrea Cuperová

Názov/Title: Approaches to the interpretation of military history in the exteriors of military museums – Case study of the Military History Museum in Svidnik

Zdrojový dokument/Source: Plants in Urban Areas and Landscape

Typ dokumentu/Document Type: Scientific paper

ISSN: 2585-9811

ISBN: 978-80-552-1829-8


Vydavateľ/Publisher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Rok, strany/PY, pages: 2018, 25-28

Publikované online/Published on-line: 2018-05-20

Jazyk/Language: eng

Abstract: Today, more than seventy years after the end of World War II (WW II), we are again experiencing a rise in the interest in military history and the events or places associated with it. On the one hand, there is a steady increase in the visit rate of places connected with military history, which has led to the formation of ’military tourism’, on the other hand there is a dangerous deformation of history and growth of extremism, nationalism and racism. We see the necessity to preserve objective history also in the form of military museums or places connected with WW II, namely through the renewal of these places and increasing their attractiveness for the young generation. The aim of this article is to resume the basic design principles of contemporary military memorials and military museums and to develop a case study of The Park of Military Equipment at the Military Museum in Svidník based on these principles. The Svidnik District is closely linked to the fighting during WW II, the Carpathian Operation of the Soviet Army (Red Army), and the 1st Czechoslovak Army in north-eastern Slovakia in the autumn of 1944. In the territory of the Carpathian Operation, several memorial sites were created. The whole territory is a national cultural monument registered as ’the Dukla Battleground’ in the Central List of the Monument Fund since 1961. In the town of Svidník, the Memorial of the Soviet Army was built in the place where Soviet soldiers were buried in spring 1945. There are 9,000 Soviet soldiers buried in 4 mass graves. In 1965, the Military Historical Museum in Svidník was opened. The museum also includes an outdoor exposition – the Park of Military Equipment, built between 1971 and 1974. After the current state analysis of the military park, the principles of contemporary design of memorial places were applied in the design of the case study area.

Keywords: memorial park, landscape, military museum

Práva/Rights: Act on copyright and rights related to copyright (Copyright Act) as amended (consolidated version), Slovak Republic; Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence
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Toto dielo je publikované pod/This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.