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Autor(i)/Author(s): Marcel Raček, Helena Lichtnerová, Lucia Okšová, Dagmar Hillová, Marcin Kubus, Ireneusz Ochmian

Názov/Title: The stomatal response of Ginkgo biloba L. to water stress

Zdrojový dokument/Source: Plants in Urban Areas and Landscape

Typ dokumentu/Document Type: Scientific paper

ISSN: 2585-9811

ISBN: 978-80-552-1829-8


Vydavateľ/Publisher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Rok, strany/PY, pages: 2018, 59-63

Publikované online/Published on-line: 2018-05-20

Jazyk/Language: eng

Abstract: The goal of the presented study was to define stomatal closure and water content changes in the leaves of Ginkgo biloba L. in relation to dryness of the soil substratum. We supposed that ginkgo would preserve relative water content in the leaves by stomatal closure after detection of water scarcity in the soil substratum. Relative water content in the leaves, water content of the soil substratum and stomatal conductance have been measured. The results showed that ginkgo was able to keep high relative water content in the leaves long time after water scarcity introduction. During the first three weeks under the conditions of water scarcity there has been observed relatively high water content in the leaves; its value was about 94 %. In relation to the soil desiccation Ginkgo biloba L. plants reacted by the decrease of stomatal conductance. After the first week without water when water capacity of the soil substratum reached 58 % (from 75 % at the beginning of the experiment) stomatal conductance decreased on 28 % (from 0.86 mm s-1 to 0.62 mm s-1). The decrease in stomatal conductance has been observed in all next days. The most significant results have been observed during the first two weeks of the experiment.

Keywords: Ginkgo biloba L., stomatal conductance, relative water content, drought

Práva/Rights: Act on copyright and rights related to copyright (Copyright Act) as amended (consolidated version), Slovak Republic; Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence
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Toto dielo je publikované pod/This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.