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978-80-552-1853-3 :: Cover

Autor(i)/Author(s): Erika Mnahoncakova, Lubica Feriancova

Pôvodný názov/Original Title: Alternativnoe primenenie rastenij na kryšach zdanij - sady na kryše

Preklad názvu/Alternative Title: Alternative Implementation of Plants on Building Roofs - Roof Gardens

Podnázov/Sub-Title: Publication for Specialized Courses of the International Project FarmersEduca Neglected and Underutilized Species in the Socio-Economic Rural Development

Typ dokumentu/Document Type: Textbooks

ISBN: 978-80-552-1853-3


Vydavateľ/Publisher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Rok/PY: 2018

Publikované online/Published on-line: 2018-07-10

Jazyk/Language: rus, eng

Abstrakt/Abstract: Environmental issues have recently become so crucial that new, ecologically motivated criteria for building construction in urban areas and their integration into the vegetation concept are required. Within this integration, an important approach is the implementation of vegetation also on rooftops and walls for its ability to regulate water management and positively impact climate conditions, while making urban environments culturally and aesthetically more valuable. Roof gardens, as a sort of alternative green space, represent an efficient way to have a positive ecological, psychological and economic impact on human environments through vegetation. The description includes information on the family, synonymic names, distribution, living form, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, planting scheme, reproduction, soil conditions, cultivars, possible medical use, contraindications, other utilisation of plants and their parts, protection status, requirements for growing in extreme conditions. The presented publication provides an overview of 33 species of selected perennial species with a good vitality are predetermined for use on extensive green roofs through applying certain compositional elements of plantings, it is possible to achieve a high aesthetic quality of the landscape architectural composition. The description includes information on the family, synonymic names, distribution, living form, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, planting scheme, reproduction, soil conditions, cultivars, possible medical use, contraindications, other utilisation of plants and their parts, protection status, requirements for growing in extreme conditions. This publication aims to contribute to the implementation of nature base solutions on urban rooftops in the form of extensive green roofs or roof gardens. These have a great potential to enhance to the urban green infrastructure and the provision of ecosystem services, which is in line with the targets of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020.

Kľúčové slová/Keywords: plant species, perennial plant species, roof gardens

Práva/Rights: Access limited to members, or on-demand only. Right holder :: Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Biosafety, Slovak University of Agricutlure in Nitra, Slovakia
Contact for full-text requirement: doc. Ing. Ján Brindza, CSc. :: IBCB Head ::

Project was Supported by the Visegrad Fund from Visegrad Grant No. 21640443 (2017-2018)

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