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Author(s): Hotniar Siringoringo, Yuhilza Hanum, Sudaryanto

Title: Advertising Skepticism and Media Credibility

Source: International Scientific Days 2018 :: Towards Productive, Sustainable and Resilient Global Agriculture and Food Systems :: Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-7598-180-6


Publisher: Wolters Kluwer ČR, Prague

PY, pages: 2018, 697-705

Published on-line: 2018-11-09

Language: eng

Abstract: Advertising remains as preference strategy for marketer to communicate a product, although it is costly. Various media are available in performing advertising, starting from traditional one up to digital media. Television has been primary advertising media since long back. And since the advent of computer and Internet technology, advertising using media such as Internet and Facebook is common. Although advertising through television is more expensive than the last two (2) media, advertising on television is yet salable. On the other hand, it's suspected viewers often do not pay attention to advertising, neither even believe in advertising. Thus the goals of this study were two folds. The first goal was to evaluate the influence of advertising skepticism and media credibility on advertising avoidance. Our second goal was to compare the influence of advertising skepticism and media credibility on advertising avoidance on different media. Questionnaire was deployed in collecting data. Due to the nature of research variables, data collected was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. Result showed that overall advertising skepticism and media credibility influence advertising avoidance. The effect is different across media (television, Facebook and Internet). Unexpectedly result shown on this study, i.e. the correlation between media credibility and advertising skepticism is strong and positive

Keywords: consumer’s decisions making, dairy products, emotions, innovative research tools, technologies

JEL Classification: M37

Rights:Open Access :: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International Licence
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