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Author(s): Jozef Palkovič, Petra Ďurkáčová

Title: Factors Influencing Respondent’s Willingness to Pay Environmental Tax

Source: International Scientific Days 2018 :: Towards Productive, Sustainable and Resilient Global Agriculture and Food Systems :: Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-7598-180-6


Publisher: Wolters Kluwer ČR, Prague

PY, pages: 2018, 1088-1100

Published on-line: 2018-11-09

Language: eng

Abstract: Environmental issues are very popular these days, and people tend to behave responsible in relation to nature and environment. This tendency leads to ecological lifestyle producing less waste and to using “green” technologies. One from the tools of state policy to influence quality of environment is environmental tax. There is a question, if the people´s tendency to behave environmentally responsible also leads to their inclination to pay environmental tax. Willingness to pay environmental tax can be therefore considered as the measure of environmental preference and trust in the efficiency of government system and its ability to protect environment. The main objective of presented paper is to identify main indicators influencing tendency to pay environmental tax. Source of the analyzed data was European value study conducted in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Sweden and Slovenia in the period of years from 2010 to 2015. Database contains 2800 observations. Method used to identification of the main factors influencing respondent´s willingness to pay environmental taxes was binary logit model. If respondent would be able to give up part of their income to protect environment, dependent variable was equal to 1, if they answer was negative, dependent variable was equal to 0. As the explanatory variables in the model were used possible factors influencing they willingness to pay environmental tax, such as: their support of awareness about environmental protection and taxes, trust in governments ability to protect environment, gender, age, if they have children or not, education, social class, trust in government, trust in environmental organizations, trust in the European union, religion and employment. Estimated model was evaluated using percentage of correct predictions and likelihood test. Influence of significant factors was evaluated using odds ratios derived from the final model. Results suggests, that highest influence on the tendency of people to pay environmental taxes have following factors: respondent´s support of awareness about environmental protection and taxes, trust in governments ability to protect environment, trust in environmental organizations, trust in the European union, education and religion. First mentioned factor is strongly connected with environmental responsibility of respondent. Therefore, it is logical its highest influence (odds ratio 17,46). Except for this factor had the highest influence education (odds ratio 1,23) of respondent and his trust to environmental organizations (odds ratio 1,22).

Keywords: binary logit, environmental preference,environmental tax

JEL Classification: C25, C51, H23, R11

Rights:Open Access :: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International Licence
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