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Author(s): Iveta Košovská, Ivana Váryová

Title: Financial Form of Balance Sheet – Information Source for the Assessment of Company Assets and Capital Retention

Source: International Scientific Days 2018 :: Towards Productive, Sustainable and Resilient Global Agriculture and Food Systems :: Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-7598-180-6


Publisher: Wolters Kluwer ČR, Prague

PY, pages: 2018, 1538-1549

Published on-line: 2018-11-09

Language: eng

Abstract: For financial management, it is important to monitor the company's main financial parameters, to compare them with the forecast state and to take measures to guide their development in the desired direction. The primary task of accounting is to provide a true and fair view on assets, revenues and financial situation of a company. The analysis of the company assets changing trends of the entity should be one of the most important tasks of the financial analysis for the assessment of the financial situation of the company. Currently the issue of company assets is analysed by the majority of authors in the range in which it is solved within the IFRS Conceptual Framework in the part Concepts of Capital and Capital Maintenance. To the analysis of the company assets we can approach from two points of view: from the owner ´s point of view who attempts to increase equity and from the manager´s points of view who attempts to preserve the business property. The assessment of property substance of a company and the effectiveness in invested capital arise from the Financial Statements, mainly from the Balance Sheet. In the article the Balance Sheet is presented as the basic source of information for the quantification of company assets. We have drawn the theoretical basis for the apprehension of company assets. The stated theoretical basis is applied on the concrete selected companies.

Keywords: accounting, financial statements, Balance Sheet, company assets

JEL Classification: M 21, M 40, M 41

Rights:Open Access :: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International Licence
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