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Author(s): Marek Dvořák, Jiří Mach

Title: Comparison of Changes in Sectoral Structure of Firms in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak Republic

Source: International Scientific Days 2018 :: Towards Productive, Sustainable and Resilient Global Agriculture and Food Systems :: Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-7598-180-6


Publisher: Wolters Kluwer ČR, Prague

PY, pages: 2018, 1681-1695

Published on-line: 2018-11-09

Language: eng

Abstract: The aim of the paper is to analyse and compare changes in the sectoral structure of firms in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic in the period 2010-2016. The sectoral structure of firms is one of the important determinants of employment not only at the level of the country but also at the regional level. In the past, it was typical for both countries „regional specialization". In practice, this meant that the regions were often associated with a dominant firm that influenced the life of the whole region (for example Košice - VŠŽ, Šaľa - Duslo, Kopřivnice - Tatra, Hlinsko - ETA etc.). Such a mono-structural economic basis for the regions has brought higher labor productivity and associated less costs, but on the other hand, the region has been economically unstable. Economic changes in both countries over the past 25 years have brought major changes for the economy. From the centrally planned economy, both countries moved to the market economy, which to bringing them also major changes within the sectoral structure of firms. The transition was characterized, in particular, by the downturn in agricultural production and the transition from the heavy and armament industry to the processing industry. Further changes in the sectoral structure have taken place at the time of the enlargement of the European Union of the new member countries and the associated globalization of the economy. Based on the economic classification of CZ - NACE and SK - NACE, we evaluated the number of firms in selected sectors in both countries. The orientation of the Slovak economy in the last period especially on the automotive industry and the related activities caused to the fastest increase of the number of firms and the number of employees in this industry. Increase of employment in industry has also brought increase of employment in services, particularly in accommodation and catering. Similarly, in the Czech Republic, we are seeing an increase of firms in industry and services, but it is interesting that despite the decreasing number of employees in agriculture, the number of firms in this sector has increased.

Keywords: agriculture, industry, sectoral structure of firms, services

JEL Classification: O11, A11, J21

Rights:Open Access :: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International Licence
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