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Author(s): Miriam Pietriková, Radomíra Hornyák Gregáňová, Viera Papcunová

Title: Study of Agricultural Sciences and Employment of Graduates

Source: International Scientific Days 2018 :: Towards Productive, Sustainable and Resilient Global Agriculture and Food Systems :: Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-7598-180-6


Publisher: Wolters Kluwer ČR, Prague

PY, pages: 2018, 2017-2029

Published on-line: 2018-11-09

Language: eng

Abstract: The aim of the paper is to evaluate the development of the unemployment rate of graduates of agricultural sciences in the comparison with the other study programs. Through the cluster analysis we identify the districts with the largest number of these unemployed graduates. Education has a key role in the socio-economic development of the country. Human capital is the key for the development not only at national level but also at regional or local level. The result of education in the agricultural sciences is a graduate who can effectively use the theoretical knowledge gained directly in practice. In the education of the agricultural sciences, we apply knowledge triangle resulting in integrated farming knowledge. This brings about the interconnection of agricultural education with the agriculture leadership and research and consultancy in this field. Only if will be protect an effective transfer of information between these three components is ensured is it possible to talk about a successful graduate in the field of agriculture. Although the analysis of unemployed graduates within individual study´s programs revealed, that such graduates constituted only 3.96 % of the total number of unemployed graduates in September 2017, this is not the result of the high labor market applicability of these graduates, but it is related to a decreasing of number of students who studying the agricultural sciences. One of the tools which currently used to improve the quality and motivation of students to study agricultural science is the dual education. Unfortunately, even the application of this tool did not contributed for the attractive of this study. According to the opinion of the Slovak Agricultural and Food Chamber, the secondary schools but also universities offered attractive studies programs in the agriculture, but the students' interest of these programs is minimal. Another option is to intensify the cooperation of schools directly with business entities by creating training centers focused on lifelong learning directly arising from the needs of agricultural practice through the application of modern teaching methods. Through the successful graduates it will be possible to ensure the competitiveness of the Slovak agricultural.

Keywords: Education, agricultural sciences, graduates, unemployment

JEL Classification: I21, E 24, Q18

Rights:Open Access :: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International Licence
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