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Author(s): Eda Bezhani, Denada Lica Berberi

Title: Social and Economic Factors of Rural Migration in the Urban Environment. The Case of Albania

Source: International Scientific Days 2018 :: Towards Productive, Sustainable and Resilient Global Agriculture and Food Systems :: Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-7598-180-6


Publisher: Wolters Kluwer ČR, Prague

PY, pages: 2018, 2537-2545

Published on-line: 2018-11-09

Language: eng

Abstract: Migration is a present phenomenon in Albania has been fluctuating over the last two decades, overall performance tends to increase over time. This paper describes the movement from rural areas to urban areas, developing countries in developed countries and societies with difficult economic conditions in societies with better economic conditions to achieve their higher economic and social needs. A sample survey was conducted randomly, the three most important cities where the population was displaced were selected. The purpose of this study is designed to explore the social and economic determinants of rural migration in urban environments. The literature review has served us to provide the theoretical background in this study. Descriptive analysis shows that there are a number of reasons that push individuals to migrate from rural to urban areas. Restriction of economic opportunities is the main factor motivating individuals and families to migrate to urban areas. Deviating massive migration of individuals from rural areas to urban areas can be made by creating better economic opportunities.

Keywords: Rural and Urban Areas, Migration, Social and Economic Factors, Inciting and Attractive Factors

JEL Classification: R51, O15

Rights:Open Access :: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International Licence
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