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978-80-552-2083-3 :: Cover

Názov/Title: Scientific Conference of PhD. Students of FAFR, FBFS and FHLE SUA in Nitra with international participation, 7th November 2019 :: Proceedings of abstracts

Zostavovatelia/Editors: Adriana Kolesárová, Jaroslav Andreji, Ján Horák

Typ dokumentu/Document Type: Zborník z konferencie/Conference proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-552-2083-3

Vydavateľ/Publisher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia

Rok vydania, strany/PY, pages: 2019, 81 s.

Publikované online/Published on-line: 2019-11-30

Jazyk/Language: eng

Abstrakt/Abstract: Proceedings collected selected reviewed abstracts and provides an opportunity for students, scientists and other readers to engage with a selection of referred papers that were presented during the most comprehensive academic scientific conference of PhD. students hold on November 07, 2019 in Nitra, Slovak Republic. The main aim of the Conference was to provide a platform for presentation of research findings, exchange of experiences and knowledge sharing. The abstracts were split equally among the eight conference areas: Biotechnologies; Animal production; Applied and molecular biology; Nutrition; Multifunctional agriculture, environment, landscape architecture and rural development; Plant production; Technology, quality and safety of raw materials and foodstuffs of animal origin; Technology, quality and safety of raw materials and foodstuffs of plant origin.

Kľúčové slová/Keywords: young scientists, scientific conferences, abstracts, biotechnologies, animal production, applied biology, moleculyr biology, nutrition, landscape architecture, rural development, plant production, foods, food processing, food safety

Rights:Open Access :: Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 International Licence
Creative Commons License
Toto dielo je publikované pod/This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

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