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978-80-552-2112-0 :: Cover

Názov/Title: Plant Biotechnologies

Autori/Authors: Katarína Ražná, Veronika Štefúnová, Jana Žiarovská

Typ dokumentu/Document Type: Vysokoškolské skriptá/Textbook

ISBN: 978-80-552-2112-0

Vydavateľ/Publisher: Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre

Publikované online/Published on-line: 2020

Jazyk/Language: eng

Abstrakt/Abstract: The textbooks "Plant Biotechnologies" are intended for foreign students and biological study programs taught in English. The content of teaching texts is based on the requirement of university studies and extends to the broader framework and level of genetics. Within the scope of the individual chapters, the reader will become acquainted with the content of the mentioned subject of study and the biological principles of plant tissue cultures as a basic model object of methodological procedures of plant biotechnologies. Knowledge of the structure and organization of genetic material is an integral part of this issue. The main part of plant biotechnology consists of processes of mapping the genome of plants using molecular markers, procedures of targeted interventions into the genome by recombinant DNA techniques and the application potential of plant biotechnologies for society and the environment. The text includes tables, diagrams and figures, as well as a glossary of technical terms.

Kľúčové slová/Keywords: plant biotechnologies, plant genetics, textbooks

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