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Autor(i)/Author(s): Zita Ring, Florian Reinwald, Doris Damyanovic

Názov/Title: Biotope City – Vienna as a Contribution to Sustainable, Climate-sensitive Urban Open Spaces

Zdrojový dokument/Source: Plants in Urban Areas and Landscape :: PUAL

Typ dokumentu/Document Type: Scientific paper

ISSN: 2585-9811

ISBN: 978-80-552-2164-9


Vydavateľ/Publisher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Rok, strany/PY, pages: 2020, 10-18

Publikované online/Published on-line: 2020-04-17

Jazyk/Language: eng

Abstract: The ongoing population growth leads to urban densification which results in a loss of urban green and open spaces and an increase in building mass. In addition, changing climate conditions and the urban heat island effect pose challenges for cities. New approaches are needed to maintain and improve the quality of life, especially for urban population. The urban planning model “Biotope City – the city as nature” is a promising strategy. It promotes the increased use of urban green infrastructure, nd, therefore, has a positive impact on the microclimate and creates quality living space for people, flora, and fauna. This paper follows a case-study design, with in-depth analysis of changes in building-related, urban open spaces during the planning process. The plan comparisons show an increase in sealed surfaces from master plan to submission plan and a decrease in urban green infrastructure. The material and vegetation shift have a major impact on the overall ecological assessment of the “Biotope City – Vienna” area. Although the project is based on the urban planning model “Biotope City – the city as nature”, there are qualitative and ecological losses during the planning process. These results further support the idea of binding quality assurance and implementation in formal planning instruments to support quality, climatesensitive urban open spaces.

Keywords: urban green infrastructure, quality assurance, Biotope City – Vienna, climate-sensitive urban planning

Práva/Rights: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence
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Toto dielo je publikované pod/This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.