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978-80-552-2262-2 :: Cover

Názov/Title: Corylus avellana pollen and catkins characterization on genotypes from selected localities of West Slovakia

Typ dokumentu/Document Type: Vedecká monografia / Scientific Monograph

Autor/Author: Nataliia Nikolaieva, Janka Nôžková, Ján Gažo

ISBN: 978-80-552-2262-2


Vydavateľ/Publisher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia

Rok, strany/PY, pages: 2020, 72 p.

Publikované online/Published on-line: 2020-12-01

Jazyk/Language: eng

Abstrakt/Abstract Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) has unusual ability to adapt to extreme conditions and is widely spread throughout Slovakia. Under the influence of various environmental factors shape and size of habitus, leaves, fruits, and catkins change. That is the reason why hazelnut became the subject of research in many countries. The important stage in the study of hazelnut plants was the use for cultivation purposes. The traits from cultivated genotypes are transported also on wild genotypes. Genetic diversity of hazelnuts confirmed survival adaptability. The application research and experimental development in conservation of environment and agriculture are interconnected by different approaches. The biological objectives are native organisms, and they are constantly in inseparable unity with the environment, but environment conditions are unstable. Organisms adapt to new living conditions through the activation the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins. This factor influences on variability evaluation of genetic resources. In our study we tried to find the most distinguishing sample by combined empiric knowledge with innovative methods for morphological characterization. We worked with pollen grains and catkins (male inflorescences). We proposed to combine the results of different experimental works for identifying the suitable genotypes for further using.

Kľúčové slová/Keywords: Corylus avellana L., pollen, cathins, taxonomy, phenology, morphometrics analysis, hazelnuts


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