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SlPK pri SPU v Nitre — Slovak Agricultural Library in Nitra

Infomácie o dokumente / Document Details

978-80-552-2680-4 :: Cover

Názov/Title: Bacterial plant diseases

Autor(i)/Author(s): Kačániová Miroslava, Čmiková Natália

Typ dokumentu/Document Type: Skriptá/Textbook

ISBN: 978-80-552-2680-4

Vydavateľ/Publisher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Rok, strany/PY, pages: 2023, 128 p.

Publikované online/Published on-line: 2023-12-05

Jazyk/Language: eng

Poďakovanie/Acknowledgements: The scripts were created with the support of the project KEGA 010SPU-4/2021 Internationalization of education and the creation of new teaching texts in the English language for the accredited study program "International Master of Horticulture Science" and for students of Erasmus program.

Popis: In the presented study texts, comprehensive basic knowledge of phytosanitary bacteriology is summarized. It covers not only the bacterial cell, its cultivation and isolation, but also the causative agents of bacterial plant diseases in the traditional sense, phytoplasmas (mycoplasma-like organisms) and spiroplasmas, which were previously considered as viruses and studied in the framework of plant virology. It is assumed that generalisation of knowledge allows for an easier understanding of specific cases of plant health disruption and facilitates a more comprehensive and targeted approach to the prevention and control of harmful bacterial diseases. The importance of general bacteriological knowledge for plant protection scientists is also becoming more important as the number of biological plant protection products with bacteria as active ingredients is increasing. In the past, phytopathogenic bacteria have only been of interest to a relatively small group of phytopathologists and microbiologists. The increased interest of phytopathologists in phytopathogenic bacteria is due to several factors. While significant advances have been made in direct plant protection against mycoses in recent decades, progress in the effectiveness of direct protection against bacterioses has been relatively small. Protection against bacterioses has become a weak link in plant health care for some crops. From a general biological point of view, new knowledge of the existence of bacteria capable of causing disease not only in the plant but also in man and animals is attracting attention. The mechanisms of pathogenicity and virulence of bacteria pathogenic to plants and humans, as well as the nature of the resistant and susceptible (susceptible) responses of infected plants or mammals, are similar and in some cases identical to the end.

Kľúčové slová/Keywords: plant diseases, bacterial diseases, textbook

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