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Author(s): Roderik Virágh, Klára Hennyeyová, Edita Šilerová, Galina Gerhátová

Title: Information Security in Agrarian Sector of the Slovak Republic

Source: International Scientific Days 2018 :: Towards Productive, Sustainable and Resilient Global Agriculture and Food Systems :: Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-7598-180-6


Publisher: Wolters Kluwer ČR, Prague

PY, pages: 2018, 2244-2254

Published on-line: 2018-11-09

Language: eng

Abstract: Every section of the national economy uses information and communication technologies for their activities, not excluding the agrarian sector. Although the agrarian sector in the Slovak Republic is less attractive for employment, there are still granges and small farmers who maintain the national tradition of agriculture. But for their better development and management they use modern information and communication technologies. These technologies can not only provide statistical information or keep records of increments, crops, etc. but also with their help work on fields is more efficient, e. g. with the help of drones. To keep these technologies in good condition the security of these technologies is important. This article is about information security, mostly the non-technical means, and oriented on granges of the Slovak Republic. The main focus is on information technologies, information systems and information assets used by these segments of the national economy. A questionnaire survey was conducted on granges of the Slovak Republic as a part of project KEGA (012SPU-4/2017) “Methodological manual processing Enterprise security policy” for mapping the current information security in this sector. The way of managing information and communication technologies is closely linked to the security of these technologies. There are some interesting differences between the management of ICT and their security – the way granges are interested in this topic. The risk analysis is directly connected with non-technical security means for protecting ICT. These means are the Security Project and Security Policy documents. These documents contain the risk analysis to be performed in certain time intervals. The Security Policy contains every rule of protection of ICT and IS as other assets of a company. However, the Security Policy and the Security Project are the basic security means for assets of a company, only small number of companies and even granges develop, apply and adhere them.

Keywords: Agrarian sector, Information and Communication Technologies, Information Security, Security Policy

JEL Classification: O34, O39

Rights:Open Access :: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International Licence
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